Sunday, July 28, 2013

Shoot Them in the HAUNCHES!

Wranglerstar posted a contest a few days back. He had a flashlight company (ThruNite) offer to send him several flashlights (is that one word or two?). Anyway, he decided to give them away in a contest. To enter, you had to make a video response to the contest and post it by Sunday night (tonight) to be eligible.

I wasn't going to enter at first since I am still learning the ropes on video editing (as evidenced by my submission) but I couldn't go to sleep so I gave it a whirl. I chose his action-packed (chuckle!) YouTube video where he described a coyote attack on his property and how he responded.

Not only did he shoot the critter AND find the blood trail to follow, he attempted to find the wounded carnivore in the dense brush ON camera. So, I did what any other guy would do...I turned it into a action movie preview voiced over by Don LaFontaine.

I laugh every time I watch it. I hope you do to. Happy Sunday everyone.


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