Friday, July 22, 2011

He Tells the Truth, Who is Listening?

I am embarassed to admit that during the last Presidential campaign I voted for the Senator from Arizona, John McCain. I was not comfortable with his ideals and fell into the paradigm of voting for the lesser of two evils (McCain vs Obama).

I allowed the media to censor what I knew about Ron Paul by means of NOT seeking his truth on my own.  I had heard the "powers that be" were not letting him participate in public debates which other "popular" candidates had been allowed to speak.  My gut told me that Dr Paul might be onto something geniune but failed to search for his youtube channel or official website and listen to what he had to say.

I have yet, since the miserable failure of the last Presidential election, listened to or watched a speech or television interview given by Dr Ron Paul that DID NOT make total sense.  He has a firm grasp on the role of government, the military, the Constitution, the national budget and every other important topic I have heard him speak about.

Here, once again, is Dr Ron Paul telling Congress in plain English what needs to be done by the American Government:

My vote next time around will be undoubtedly for Dr Ron Paul.

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