Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Where Do I Get Maple Water?

Hoser maple water, eh?
I am a HUGE fan of coconut water. All natural with  no added ingredients. Curbs the appetite, quells the thirst and is very good for you. I have found a local store that carries it relatively cheap. Much cheaper than, say, the energy drinks out there.

Then I heard about Maple Water. It is being touted as the new coconut water. All natural and naturally sweet tasting. I immediately went looking for it and was sad to see it is only sold in Canada! No way, eh!? Those hosers are hogging all the good stuff, eh?! You can see it for sale on the Canada version of Amazon but they won't let me ship it to the States.

There are a few versions (here and here) out there for sale but none that I can get my American hands on.

So I thought I would put the question out on the blogosphere: Does anyone know where to buy some maple water in the states and get it shipped to Arizona?


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