Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's Back to School Time...for ME!

Yup. One more go at it. I've been accepted into a Radiology Assistant program in Utah and will be spending the next two years living like a student again.  No sleep, late nights, crappy diet. Classes are all online but I will have to visit the campus in Ogden twice per semester for the next five semesters. Aside from that, I will be spending 24 hours each week with a Radiologist learning his trade (as well as holding my full time job, of course).

But in the end, I'll be ten times better at my job and have a whole list of new skills. My new title will be Radiology Practitioner Assistant or Radiology Assistant.  They get used fairly interchangeably.

If you want to see why I'm up to, visit my student blog:

I gotta get going, I have to figure out how I'm going to pay for this education now.


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